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CAFAGGIOLO (or Faenza)

Tondino in majolica with polychrome decoration called "stile bello", in the center of a floret (derived from the Persian palmette) and four green leaves on a background of foliage, and large tracery formed by two flat ribbons yellow standing out against a blue background. Border decorated with festoons. Reverse decorated with multiple blue threads.
Italy, Cafaggiolo, Around 1500-1510, early 16th century.

Diam: 19,4 cm.

The attribution to Cafaggiolo is given by Galeazzo Cora and Angiolo Fanfani in "La maiolica di Cafaggiolo" by a dish with the same decoration of the wing, n ° 125 p. 135, Centro di Firenze Edition 1982.


Jug in faïence with polychrome decoration "à trofei" . Inscription: "SY* IVIVBI". Circa 1638.

ITALY, Castel-Durante.
Height: 21 cm



Large bowl in Castel-Durante or Urtbino majolica with polychrome decoration in the center in a small medallion surrounded by a laurel torus, a bust of a woman in left profile on a blue background surmounted by the inscription "Lucia Bella", around interlaced oak branches. Circa 1535/45. D. 28 cm. Possibly Francesco di Bernardino di Nanni alias Francesco Durantino alias the painter of the Bergantini cup. Many pieces glued back together, a hole above the inscription, two small gaps restored on the wing. Cf. for similar pieces: Jeanne Giacomotti, Les Majoliques des Musées Nationaux, no. 785 p. 239. Ed. des Musées Nationaux, Paris 1974, and Dora Thornton and Timothy Wilson, Italian Renaissance Ceramics, A Catalogue of the British Museum collection, vol. I n°221 p. 375 plate dated 1537, The British Museum Press, London 2009.

Deruta (Italy), chevrette, circa 1540-1550.


Deruta (Italy), jug in faïence with polychrome decoration. Apothecary inscription : “O.ROSATO".
ITALY, Deruta. Circa 1540-1550.
Height: 19.4 cm

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Pharmacy bottle in majolica of Deruta with polychrome decoration of a large medallion with yellow background delimited by a crown of foliage extended by blue ribbons. The medallion is decorated with a large median banner bearing the inscription "'A' LATTUCA" and, on either side, a putto musician and the initials of the apothecary sponsor flanked by foliage in blue monochrome. On the neck stands out the silhouette of a horn player.

First half of the 16th century.

Neck glued back and a chip taken on the edge of the neck. Height : 35 cm. 

Cf. B. Rackham ;" Catalog of Italian Majolica, collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum", London 1940, vol 2, pl. 64, N° 405. Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti, La Donazione Angiolo Fanfani, Ceramiche dal MEdioevo al XX secolo, n° 96 a,b,c p.167 and 96e p.168 and 181. Ed. Faenza, Faenza 1990.

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Large earthenware bottle of Deruta with polychrome decoration of a large crown of fruit and foliage containing a biblical scene that represents Judith holding the head of Holofernes surmounted by a banner with the inscription in Gothic letters "zucarum violato "*. On the back, a coat of arms with the fleur-de-lys of Florence.
Circa 1520/30. H. 39,5 cm.
Cracks on the body, chips and chips on the foot and partially restored bottom; neck resumed.
CF. Jeanne Giacomotti, Les Majoliques des Musées nationaux, n° 481 à 487 p;142 et 143. Ed. des Musées nationaux, Paris 1974. *Zucarum violato : violet sugar syrup.

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A Deruta majolica cup with polychrome decoration « a istoriato » representing the birth of Adonis*.

Workshop of Giacomo Mancini said il Frate in Deruta, circa 1540.

Diam. 25,5 cm.

*Adonis is the son of Myrrha and Cinyras, king of Chypre. Gods transformed Myrrha in tree, Adonis is born into the tree.

Based on the engraving by Benedetto Montagna, La Nascita di Adone, 1515-1520, in the Washington National Gallery of Art.

Cf. Musée du Louvre (inv. OA 1490) et (inv. OA 1699).

For a similar dish, see the Urbino earthenware dish in the Rouen museum around 1530 : the more elaborate treatment details the different episodes in Adonis' history, probably from the painting by Giorgione.


Dish in majolica with polychrome decoration in the center of the representation of Holy in foot with its stick of pilgrim on bottom of landscape and of a streamer carrying the inscription : "IBIT. AD GIFMINOS. LUCIDA FAMA POLLOS FIAT"
ITALY, Deruta. Circa 1520. 1530. 16th century.
Diameter : 38 cm
Former collection Bordonaro (Sicily). Coll ITALIKA; No. 186 p.402 and 403.


Large majolica dish with polychrome decoration of a saint Jean-Baptiste in the center with background landscape. Registration "Jean Baptiste".

ITALY, Deruta. 16th century.
Diam. 42,5 cm


Majolica luster dish with Arms in the center and reserves, foliage leaves.
Rim adorned with rows of kernels.
ITALY, Deruta. First third of 16th century.
Diam. 35 cm.


Two vases in the shape of a pine tree's fruit made of earthenware with  luster decoration.

ITALY, Deruta, From the first quarter of the 16th century.

Height: 13,5 and 14,5 cm.


Ovoid medicine bottle with high neck in majolica of Faenza with polychrome decoration of flowery scrolls in the style of decorations alla porcelana and of a broad banner carrying the inscription "A di pronia" (water of plum).
Circa 1500. H. 25 cm. Good condition.
Cf. similar forms in the Louvre Museum : Jeanne Giacomotti, Les majoliques des Musées nationaux, n°704 and 705 p. 216 and 217 (attributed to Gubbio). Ed. des Musées nationaux, Paris 1974.


“Crespina” in faïence with polychrome decoration “a quartieri” with in the center a Saint (Saint Agatha?) surrounded with foliage on alternately blue or yellow fund.
ITALY, Faenza. Circa 1535-40, 16th century.
Diameter: 25 cm.

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Large circular dish slightly hollow in Faenza earthenware decorated "a compendario" of a biblical scene in full, most likely the reconciliation of Jacob and Esau (Old Testament, book of Genesis, verses 1-17). In front of a group of men, women and children, the patriarch and his twin brother embrace. In the background, in a hilly landscape, is represented an encampment with tents and people. Attributed to "Maestro dei panneggi". Circa 1585, last quarter of the 16th century.
Diameter : 47 cm.
This type of dish with historiated scenes "a compendario", that is to say with succinct decorations in yellow and blue on a white background, was produced in Faenza circa 1550-1600, in particular by the Bettisi workshop, by Virgiliotto Calamelli, by the "Maestro del servizio numerotato U or V" and by the "Maestro dei panneggi". Here the dish is attributed to "Maestro dei panneggi" Stephano Accarisi because of its similarity with two dishes kept in the museum of Faenza decorated with scenes from the Old Testament and painted by the "Maestro dei panneggi". One illustrates the episode of Benjamin, the other the alliance between Isaac and Abimelech.
A dish from the same series was sold by the Pescheteau-Badin study on February 6, 2012 No. 88, depicting Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dreams after an engraving by Bernard Salomon, published in the Bible by Jean de Tournes in Lyon around 1553-1554.
CF. Museum of Faenza, Victoria & Albert Museum in London, The Residence in Munich (service with the arms of Albert V of Bavaria). Bibliography: "La maioloca italiana di stile compendarion - I Bianchi" U. Alemandi & C, 2010. "Italian Renaissance Maiolica", ELisa P. Sani, V&A Publisching, 2012.

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A large majolica baluster vase decorated “a compendiario” with Elie and Moïse in blue, yellow and ocher yellow.
ITALY, Faenza. End of the 16th century or beginning of 17th century.
Height : 60 cm.

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Compendario dish decorated with a hunting scene from an Italian engraving of the 16th century. In the absence of information on the painter Stefano Accarisi (documented from 1576 to 1626), the quality of the decorations of this painter earned him being named by Francesco Liverani Maestro dei panneggi (the master of draping).

Circa 1585. ITALY, Faenza.

Diameter : 40.5 cm or 16 in.

Provenance : private collection.

References: Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti, « Bianchi » di Faenza, n°66a, 67a, b, c, 68a p.264 to 275 and p.328 à 333. Casa Editrice Belriguardo, Ferrara 1996.

Dish representing Diane and Actéon: Julia E. Poole, Italian Maiolica, Fitzwilliam Museum Handbooks, N°42 page 94. Cambridge university press 1997.


“Tondino” in faience with polychrome decoration in the center a clergyman holding a crucifix and a book of the Bible probably. Border with Persian palmette.

ITALY, Montelupo. Circa 1520, 16th century. Diameter: 25,6 cm

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Large jar with two handles in the shape of a dragon in majolica of Montelupo with polychrome decoration in the center in a frame of eclesiastical coat of arms surrounded by a garland of foliage and fruit. Large leaves and scrolls of stylized flowers in blue monochrome on the back. In a small medallion under the handles the initials LO, initials probably of the sponsor.
Circa 1640-1660, mid 17th century. Height: 34 cm.
Right handle in earthenware glued some lack of enamel on the body and reinforcement of the base to straighten it.
Cf. Fausto Berti, Storia della ceramica di Montelupo, n°264 and 265 p.346 for a jar of the same style and p 161 about the initials LO. 1999 Aedo srl, Montelupo Fiorentino.

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Round Italian earthenware dish from Naples or Castelli (?) with polychrome “a istoriato” decoration in the center of Judith holding the head of Holofernes*, the body of the latter resting in a tent on the left. Landscape in the background. Wing decorated with flowers.
Seventeenth century.
Diameter: 39 cm. Small crack on the wing around 7am.
*Holophernes, king of Nineveh and general of Nebuchadnezzar, besieged Bethulia, a small town in Palestine. Judith, widow of Manasseh and to save her city, put on her best dress and reached the enemy camp. Judith takes advantage of Holofernes' drunkenness after a banquet to cut off his head.



Tondino in faïence with polychrome decoration.

Assigned  to Bernardino di Benedetto del Berna, workshop GIUNTA.
ITALY, Ravenne Circa 1520.16th  century.
Diameter : 24.5 cm

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Dish in majolica of Urbino with polychrome decoration "a istoriato" of a mythological scene representing Alpheus pursuing Arethusa already transformed into a spring*. Background of mountainous landscape with view of city by the sea.
White enamelled reverse decorated with three yellow concentric nets and in the center a shield with two Moorish heads, emblem of the Lanciarini family of Rome and the inscription "Fiume et Fonte" (for river and spring). Label of the Mame collection on the back.

Workshop of Guido Durantino, probably painted by Orazio Fontana.Circa1535-1540. First part of the 16th century.

Diameter: 27 cm.

Three pieces glued back on the wing between 3:30 and 6:00, including a small plaster one on the edge.

Provenance: French private collection.
Former Mame collection, sale in Tours on April 26/27/28 and 29, 1904, n°188 of the catalog, label on the back of the plate.

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Cup with polychrome decoration a istoriato, representing the loves of Mars and Venus with four loves. Possible attribution to Francesco Durantino who worked in the workshop of Guido di Merlino between 1543 and 1547. ITALY, Urbino,16th century. Diameter :25,3 cm.

*Mars, god of war, only renounces bearing arms when he's in love especially with Venus, whom he holds here in his arms, before being surprised by Vulcan. Provenance: private collection.
References : Dish representing Proserpine and her companions by Francesco Durantino in the Gillet Collection: Carola Fiocco, Gabriella Gherardi, Sfeir-Fakhri, Italian Majolica from the Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Lyon, n°169 p.253. Ed.Faton, Dijon 2001.
Another dish with Proserpine by Francesco Durantino dated 1544 in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, inv. n° F3512. Elena Ivanova, catalogue of the exhibition of the Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza, n°53 p. 82. Ed. Electa, Milano 2003.
A dish from Urbino, glossy in Gubbio, presents faces with lowered eyelids like our cup: A.V.B. Norman, Catalogue of Ceramics 1, Wallace Collection, n°c98 p.202, The Trustees of the Wallace Collection, London 1976.

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Tondino, small majolica dish from Urbino with "a istoriato" decoration of a mythological scene illustrating Jupiter transformed into a satyr to seduce Antiope, a lake landscape in the background. Inscription on the back "Jone transformato insatiro". 

Attributed to the painter Guido Durantino in the workshop of Fontana around 1555/1560. Mid 16th century.

Diameter : 22,7 cm 

A scratch resumed and small lack of yellow on the border net.


Group in majolica representing couple playing music, the young woman with a lyre, fauna with panpipes. Circa 1575-1600, Workshop Patanazzi.
ITALY, Urbino.
Height : 27,5 cm


Rectangular  fountain in Urbino majolica with natural polychrome decoration. It is surmounted by a child Bacchus holding in his hands a glass and a pitcher,
ITALY, Urbino, Patanazzi workshop, around 1580, second half of the 16th century.
Height: 45 cm.



Cup in majolica of Urbino or duchy of Urbino with polychrome decoration "a istoriato" in full of a scene of hunting with the partridge animated by numerous characters. 

Circa 1590-1600, end of the 16th century. 

Diameter: 26,3 cm. 

Three pieces glued on the wing between 11:30 and 15:30.

Provenance: former collection E. Vinot, Paris. 

From the engraving "Rustica sic Perdrix" 67: Partridge hunting by Jan van der Straet called Stradanus* (1523-1605) also called Giovanni Stradamo, Flemish painter who worked mainly in Florence (Italy). He was employed by the Duke "Cosimo de Medici". His collection of engravings was published in Antwerp in 1578. The painter of the cup especially modified the perspectives.



Baluster vase with two handles and grotesque masks in majolica, blue cameo decoration enhanced with white of architectures and chapels on a background of lake landscape and mountains. 

Urbino, Fontana workshop, circa 1565-1570, 16th century. Height: 33,5 cm. 

Crack at the neck visible and a piece of handle restored. 

Cf. for a catch with a similar grotesque mask, Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti, Maioliche Italiane della Collezione Chigi Saracini, 

exhibition in Siena at Palazzo Chigi Saracini, 1992, Catalogue n°146 p. 119.

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A Venezia Vase-bowl fully decorated in ochre, yellow, black on blue-ground scattered with military trophies including shields helmets, drums and music partitions. Concentric blue and ochre lines at the neck and foot.Workshop of maestro Domenico, circa 1560.

ITALY, Venezia. Middle of 16th century.

Height : 24 cm.

Cf. Similar item on Angelica Alvera Bortolotto, Storia della Ceramica a Venezia, tav. LXXXIX, Sansoni 1981.


Cup in majolica with polychrome decoration “Istoriato” representing resurrection with Marie-Madeleine. Probably by Mazo, painter.

Middle of 16th century. ITALY, Venezia.

Diameter : 26.2 cm. Height : 4.7 cm.

Cf. Similar item on Angelica Alvera Bortolotto, Storia della Ceramica a Venezia, tav. LXXXVII, Ed. Sansoni Firenze1981.


Ovoid vase in majolica with polychrome decoration the broad rinceaux one flowered on blue bottom and of an oval cartouche representing Holy François with the bible in the left hand and a cross in the right hand.

Workshop of Maestro Domenico. Circa 1560.
ITALY, Venezia. 16th century.
Height : 30 cm.

Venice (Italy) jar with two medallons. Workshop of Maestro Domenico. Circa 1560-1570.


A majolica jar with polychrome decoration of scrolls and stylized flowers foliage on a blue background and two medallions with a head of a young man and a warrior. Workshop of Maestro Domenico. ITALY, Venezia. Circa 1560-1570.
Height: 24 cm Diameter: 25 cm.



Albarello in majolica of Venice decorated with trophies and masks on a blue background and in an oval cartouche of a cherub on a yellow background. Scrolls in relief on the top and bottom of the body (to frame two missing handles). Circa 1560-70, 16th century.

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